Ladies and gentlemen, now I present my new blog.
Through many thoughts, pros and contras, I decide to create this. Not because my former blog isn’t good, but because a lot of reasons. I think here I could much more free to write whatever I want, uploading images, and others are also free to give comments without any difficulties. As we all know, in my former blog my friends or anybody else cannot post comments if they don’t have membership on that website. I don’t have to mention its name, do I? ;)
In this blog, I write down my thoughts, my dreams, my troubles, my hopes, my difficulties, my ‘ism’ – the Joyce-ism, my happiness, all the things about me, just me, nobody else. If there is any situation or condition or even some people involved here, it’s not because of what has happened to them, but because I – once again, it’s me – think of it, maybe it kinda makes me do a lot of think about it, use it to do some reflection, adding my theories, and more.
So now here I am, presenting my new blog.
Please feel free to give your comments, opinion, or else, and I would happily take it for good ;)