Being single is good. Really. For me.
So, I wonder why people always mind about "why are you still single?"
I feel disturbed. I'm happy being single. Does it bother you? No. This is my life. Gue ga suka cara mereka mengira bahwa itu adalah hal yang buruk, atau mengira bahwa I hate being single. What do they know about me?
Ini gara2 pagi2 gue udah terlibat dua pembicaraan tentang marriage, which the persons are at my age. The first was my cousin, who plans to get married on February 2008. By the time, he'll be 26 and a half. Kakak gue mempertanyakan kok cepet amat? Emang udah settled? Sayang banget ya..Kan masih muda..etc etc, which showed her disagreement. Jadi gue menyanggah. What's wrong about it? If they both already find each other, and they think it'll be the perfect moment, perfect timing, so I guess, go for it! Betul kan? Sepupu gue dan ceweknya udah dewasa, udah bisa berpikir for their own sake, so if they decide to get married, I'm sure they are ready to take the risks. I almost added, "not like you.." Tapi jahat banget ya gue :)
Sampe ke kantor, one of us started to talk about marriage. One of us are going to be married, soon. In the middle of the conversation I said, "long live the singles!" alias "hidup jomblo!"
Nah, mulai deh pembicaraannya jadi mulai bikin gerah. Mereka ngira gue benci jadi single, dan mereka beranggapan bahwa sendiri = kesepian. Jadi gue bilang aja beda! There's a difference between East and West.. Dan akan ada masanya dimana gue tidak akan single lagi. Right?? So, enjoy yourself now, while you can!
Buktinya? Being single for years doesn't bring me any problem. Men come and go, while I still searching and waiting. Doesn't also means I don't want to get involve. In fact, I really want it! But maybe later.. Ada masanya untuk segala sesuatu.
My emotional acts today was started when I broke my nail! Sebel!
dreams, hopes, faiths, happiness, excitements, sadness, fears, thoughts, inspirations, hates, likes, interests, passions, secrets.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
The Nearness of You
It's not the pale moon that excites me
That thrills and delights me, oh no
It's just the nearness of you
It isn't your sweet conversation
That brings this sensation, oh no
It's just the nearness of you
When you're in my arms and I feel you so close to me
All my wildest dreams come true
I need no soft lights to enchant me
If you'll only grant me the right
To hold you ever so tight
And to feel in the night the nearness of you
That thrills and delights me, oh no
It's just the nearness of you
It isn't your sweet conversation
That brings this sensation, oh no
It's just the nearness of you
When you're in my arms and I feel you so close to me
All my wildest dreams come true
I need no soft lights to enchant me
If you'll only grant me the right
To hold you ever so tight
And to feel in the night the nearness of you
Quote of the day
"Keberanian adalah saat kamu tahu akan kalah sebelum memulai, tetapi kamu tetap memulai dan kamu merampungkannya, apa pun yang terjadi."
*from 'To Kill A Mockingbird' - I found it when I read a charming novel :)
*from 'To Kill A Mockingbird' - I found it when I read a charming novel :)
Friday, April 20, 2007
So long, farewell!
So long, farewell, au revoir!
Satu lagi temen pergi. Sebenernya udah lama sih dia ga di Indonesia, udah sering banget bolak-balik Indonesia-Belanda, bahkan terakhir dia pulang sebelum merid tuh sekitar bulan Agustus 2006. Tapi saat itu beda. Entah apanya yang beda. Mungkin beda status. Waktu dia belum merid, for me she seems still belong in here, tapi begitu dia melepas kelajangannya..hmm..she's no longer in here. At least dulu gue masih kadang2 menanti2kan suatu saat dia pulang, tapi sekarang dia udah 'diboyong' orang. Udah makin berkurang kepentingan dia di sini.
Sore tadi dia cabut, kali ini namanya 'pulang', ke Belanda. Mungkin baru tahun depan kita akan ketemu lagi.
Bon voyage!
Satu lagi temen pergi. Sebenernya udah lama sih dia ga di Indonesia, udah sering banget bolak-balik Indonesia-Belanda, bahkan terakhir dia pulang sebelum merid tuh sekitar bulan Agustus 2006. Tapi saat itu beda. Entah apanya yang beda. Mungkin beda status. Waktu dia belum merid, for me she seems still belong in here, tapi begitu dia melepas kelajangannya..hmm..she's no longer in here. At least dulu gue masih kadang2 menanti2kan suatu saat dia pulang, tapi sekarang dia udah 'diboyong' orang. Udah makin berkurang kepentingan dia di sini.
Sore tadi dia cabut, kali ini namanya 'pulang', ke Belanda. Mungkin baru tahun depan kita akan ketemu lagi.
Bon voyage!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The wedding!

Seru juga ya jadi maid of honor.. :)
Untuk pertama kalinya gue dimintain jadi maid of honor. Such an honor, really! Because I feel so trusted, rather than anybody else!
It's been almost a week.
Hari gini ini, jam segini, gue udah buru2 pulang, ngejar xtrans jam 3 ke Bandung. Nyampe di Bandung jam 6 kurang..trus hang out sama anak2, Dede, Terry, Rini, Andrae, Tania, Sisca, Hariyanto, banyak deh! Jadi baru pulang malem tuh ke rumah. Besoknya, seperti yg udah gue kira, mobil mati :) akinya ngadat karena kelamaan ga nyala. Jadi, alih2 pergi ke kampus untuk ambil ijazah, gue malah leha2 di rumah nungguin aki selesai sampe jam 11! And so pasti TU udah tutup! Hahaha..Jam 12 ke Ciumbuleuit, nyamper Sisca n Tania, sempet dibego2in dulu, trus jalan ke IP. Beli sepatu buat kawinan -alesannya sih ga bawa sepatu :P-
Night has come, Berta picked me up at 10 so I can stay in her house and do the make up early in the morning. Salonnya dtg jam 3, dan kita baru tidur jam 1! Ngobrol dulu, gosip dulu, nerjemahin ucapan terima kasih dulu, hehehehe.. Jadi pas bangun jam 3, kita kayak zombie! Pendek kata kita akhirnya dandan. I tell you, tnyata rahasianya supaya muka ga kusam sebelum make up, diolesin es batu dulu bo! Sinting dinginnya! Tapi semuanya oke, dalam sejam kita berdua udah cantik.
At 7 we were ready, as beautiful as flowers :) Tentunya yg paling oke sang penganten, n I felt so good also :) with my purple gown and new pair of shoes, here I am, ready to face the world! -loh sbnrnya yg merid siapa sih?-
And, so damn, bestmannya ganteng.. Sial :)
Gue semobil berempat, gue, Berta, Will, n Nico. Satu moment yang paling ga terlupakan adalah, selain this is my first time being a maid, inilah saatnya penganten cewek ngejemput penganten cowok, dan yang paling hebat, jemputnya di RS Borromeus! Bridegroomnya DB! Jadi iring2an mobil pengantennya masuk ke RS! Lucu banget!
Yang bikin tambah heboh, both bridesmaid and bestman don't know what to do :) selain bawa ekor gaun! Jadi gue n Nico sepanjang acara sibuk sikut2an bingung mau ngapain -kesempatan-
Tapi acara alhamdulillah lancar. Thanx God. Ga ada yg cerita pengantennya tiba2 mogok, tiba2 nervous, atau in this case, the bridegroom suddenly collapse, ga ada. God gave His beautiful smile upon them two :) Dari mulai acara pemberkatan sampai selesainya resepsi. Anak2 PSM nyanyinya bagus, bajunya bagus, walau gue sempet kuatir tadinya pada ga bisa nyanyi di gedung, padahal itu requestnya penganten.. Hehe but all goes so well. Walau agak ribet juga antara ngurus gaun Berta, sibuk cari2 tissue krn ada saat2 haru dmn sang pernganten tiba2 bercucuran air mata, megangin hand bouquet yg beratnya astaganaga!, belum lagi ngurus gaun gue ndiri yg off shoulder, karena org Batak pada rese jd gue pakein lagi selendang, belum kalo naik2 selendangnya ditarik2 sama ibu2 di belakang, huah! Ribet! Hehehe.. but no problem lah. Aku senang. Kaki gue, seenak2nya sepatu baru, kalo makenya dari jam 6 pagi sampe jam 3 sore dan berdiri terus, surely it would kill me!
Untuk pertama kalinya gue dimintain jadi maid of honor. Such an honor, really! Because I feel so trusted, rather than anybody else!
It's been almost a week.
Hari gini ini, jam segini, gue udah buru2 pulang, ngejar xtrans jam 3 ke Bandung. Nyampe di Bandung jam 6 kurang..trus hang out sama anak2, Dede, Terry, Rini, Andrae, Tania, Sisca, Hariyanto, banyak deh! Jadi baru pulang malem tuh ke rumah. Besoknya, seperti yg udah gue kira, mobil mati :) akinya ngadat karena kelamaan ga nyala. Jadi, alih2 pergi ke kampus untuk ambil ijazah, gue malah leha2 di rumah nungguin aki selesai sampe jam 11! And so pasti TU udah tutup! Hahaha..Jam 12 ke Ciumbuleuit, nyamper Sisca n Tania, sempet dibego2in dulu, trus jalan ke IP. Beli sepatu buat kawinan -alesannya sih ga bawa sepatu :P-
Night has come, Berta picked me up at 10 so I can stay in her house and do the make up early in the morning. Salonnya dtg jam 3, dan kita baru tidur jam 1! Ngobrol dulu, gosip dulu, nerjemahin ucapan terima kasih dulu, hehehehe.. Jadi pas bangun jam 3, kita kayak zombie! Pendek kata kita akhirnya dandan. I tell you, tnyata rahasianya supaya muka ga kusam sebelum make up, diolesin es batu dulu bo! Sinting dinginnya! Tapi semuanya oke, dalam sejam kita berdua udah cantik.
At 7 we were ready, as beautiful as flowers :) Tentunya yg paling oke sang penganten, n I felt so good also :) with my purple gown and new pair of shoes, here I am, ready to face the world! -loh sbnrnya yg merid siapa sih?-
And, so damn, bestmannya ganteng.. Sial :)
Gue semobil berempat, gue, Berta, Will, n Nico. Satu moment yang paling ga terlupakan adalah, selain this is my first time being a maid, inilah saatnya penganten cewek ngejemput penganten cowok, dan yang paling hebat, jemputnya di RS Borromeus! Bridegroomnya DB! Jadi iring2an mobil pengantennya masuk ke RS! Lucu banget!
Yang bikin tambah heboh, both bridesmaid and bestman don't know what to do :) selain bawa ekor gaun! Jadi gue n Nico sepanjang acara sibuk sikut2an bingung mau ngapain -kesempatan-
Tapi acara alhamdulillah lancar. Thanx God. Ga ada yg cerita pengantennya tiba2 mogok, tiba2 nervous, atau in this case, the bridegroom suddenly collapse, ga ada. God gave His beautiful smile upon them two :) Dari mulai acara pemberkatan sampai selesainya resepsi. Anak2 PSM nyanyinya bagus, bajunya bagus, walau gue sempet kuatir tadinya pada ga bisa nyanyi di gedung, padahal itu requestnya penganten.. Hehe but all goes so well. Walau agak ribet juga antara ngurus gaun Berta, sibuk cari2 tissue krn ada saat2 haru dmn sang pernganten tiba2 bercucuran air mata, megangin hand bouquet yg beratnya astaganaga!, belum lagi ngurus gaun gue ndiri yg off shoulder, karena org Batak pada rese jd gue pakein lagi selendang, belum kalo naik2 selendangnya ditarik2 sama ibu2 di belakang, huah! Ribet! Hehehe.. but no problem lah. Aku senang. Kaki gue, seenak2nya sepatu baru, kalo makenya dari jam 6 pagi sampe jam 3 sore dan berdiri terus, surely it would kill me!
Selamat menikah buat Berta n Willem, akhirnya! Setelah beberapa tahun yang penuh batu dan sandungan di sana sini, terbukti bahwa pada akhirnya you're meant to be together, even God say yes :) sampe pada saat akhir aja masih ada halangan, penganten yg sakit, persiapan berbulan2 yang harus dilalui dengan derita dan air mata, hubungan2 yang sempat tidak baik, tokh akhirnya berhasil dilalui, thanx to the Lord! I salute you!
But this is just a start.. God will give you several hard times in front of you, tapi itu semua akan menguatkan kalian, and I'm sure you will get through!
Doain gue segera nyusul! :)
Lovely matrimony, lovely party, lovely couple, lovely maid n lovely bestman! Sayang kayanya gue ga akan ketemu bestmannya lagi.. :)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Hard times
Mungkin saat ini banyak orang yang lagi mengalami ‘hard times’. Ada yang karena kerjaannya serasa membosankan dan ngga menjanjikan apa2. Apalagi kalo tengah2 monthly report, I have to take several times deep breaths supaya ga berteriak putus asa dan marah, because it seems to be there is always something wrong. The first month, the mistake was because few articles missing, the chart was bad, in fact (ssshhhhh…) ada yg chartnya copy paste dari bulan lalu! Hahaha.. On the 2nd month, the problem appeared on events program report, disorder interim report and again, missing articles. Why on earth harus aja ada org yg terlalu teliti sehingga gue ketauan teledor -pembelaan gue, gue malas. Lagian kalo gue jadi klien ga bakalan juga gue bacain artikelnya satu2.. Sampe sinting deh, ratusan aja gitu jumlahnya!- dan gue ga suka -bener2 ga suka- dgn org2 kyk gini. Hal sepele dibikin besar, they are really not a flexible person! Toh klien ga bakalan ribut apakah chartnya portrait or landscape, tabelnya abu2 muda or abu2 tua! Rese! Klien juga ga bakal ribut kalo artikel hal 98 ketuker sama artikel no 97! Okay harus perfect, but I don’t think this as a kind of perfectness…
On the 3rd month, I’m in charge for two clients. The 1st was well done. The 2nd, again I have to deal with old problem. Artikelnya ga ada! Okay, after 2nd, 3rd, and 4th and on thoughts, maybe it is my bad. But I don’t think it as a major problem. But why on earth gue ketauan, sementara orang lain yg artikelnya jg pd ga lengkap, ga ketauan? This is so unfair.
Masalah lain. Permanent bilang A, bos bilang B. What a mess management :P
Masalah lain. I have to help other’s report, but why to me it seems no one wanna help me?
But others are also tried to pass their hard times. Ada yg merana di Semarang karena ga punya temen makan, kostnya ga enak, stafnya lamban, harus berurusan dgn mbok2 tiap hari, nubruk mobil org, pendeknya hard times in his daily life and work.
Ada juga yg ngerasain hard times di negeri orang, sampe harus gunting rambut dulu jadi sebahu gara2 salon di sana mahal, trus segala2nya mahal, melon yg dijual aja udah mah mahal ga boleh dipegang, trus nyasar, trus kalah bersaing dgn cewek2 Tokyo yg serba modis.
Ada juga yg lagi sibuk nyari2 kerjaan baru karena hengkang dari kantor lamanya yg cuma nyuruh2 mandorin tukang servis AC sama pesenin notebook, udah gitu salah pula, udah gitu disidang pula..
Ada yg lagi sibuk cari2 kost di Jakarta karena mau kuliah postgrad Agustus..
Ada juga yg hard timesnya karena she’s will be married in three days, udah mah hectic ngurusin pesta n pemberkatannya, ehhh calon groomnya malah masuk RS kena DB, nyokapnya kecapean dan sakit, trus dia abis gue omelin gara2 tnyt dia nungguin calonnya yg terkapar di RS dan nginep! Bagus! Mau ketularan juga? Atau mau penyakitnya pindah? Yg satu sembuh yg satu sakit? Haduhaduhaduh.. yah hopefully pestanya bs ttp berlangsung! While other’s problem is keep on seeing someone who dumped her right before their marriage and seems to her sister she forced her to still accept him!
Let's pray and hope for the best, for His blessing always with us!
On the 3rd month, I’m in charge for two clients. The 1st was well done. The 2nd, again I have to deal with old problem. Artikelnya ga ada! Okay, after 2nd, 3rd, and 4th and on thoughts, maybe it is my bad. But I don’t think it as a major problem. But why on earth gue ketauan, sementara orang lain yg artikelnya jg pd ga lengkap, ga ketauan? This is so unfair.
Masalah lain. Permanent bilang A, bos bilang B. What a mess management :P
Masalah lain. I have to help other’s report, but why to me it seems no one wanna help me?
But others are also tried to pass their hard times. Ada yg merana di Semarang karena ga punya temen makan, kostnya ga enak, stafnya lamban, harus berurusan dgn mbok2 tiap hari, nubruk mobil org, pendeknya hard times in his daily life and work.
Ada juga yg ngerasain hard times di negeri orang, sampe harus gunting rambut dulu jadi sebahu gara2 salon di sana mahal, trus segala2nya mahal, melon yg dijual aja udah mah mahal ga boleh dipegang, trus nyasar, trus kalah bersaing dgn cewek2 Tokyo yg serba modis.
Ada juga yg lagi sibuk nyari2 kerjaan baru karena hengkang dari kantor lamanya yg cuma nyuruh2 mandorin tukang servis AC sama pesenin notebook, udah gitu salah pula, udah gitu disidang pula..
Ada yg lagi sibuk cari2 kost di Jakarta karena mau kuliah postgrad Agustus..
Ada juga yg hard timesnya karena she’s will be married in three days, udah mah hectic ngurusin pesta n pemberkatannya, ehhh calon groomnya malah masuk RS kena DB, nyokapnya kecapean dan sakit, trus dia abis gue omelin gara2 tnyt dia nungguin calonnya yg terkapar di RS dan nginep! Bagus! Mau ketularan juga? Atau mau penyakitnya pindah? Yg satu sembuh yg satu sakit? Haduhaduhaduh.. yah hopefully pestanya bs ttp berlangsung! While other’s problem is keep on seeing someone who dumped her right before their marriage and seems to her sister she forced her to still accept him!
Let's pray and hope for the best, for His blessing always with us!
My reflection
I watched an episode from 4th season of OC -Orange County- and I think it was a good one.
When Ryan prepares the Chrismukkah eve, Taylor come by and give him a present. But Ryan rejects it… His mind occupied by an odd fact that he just receives a mail from his earlier gf Marissa, which happened to be died already.
Taylor insists him to open it; he climbs the ladder to the roof. Taylor follows him, also climbs with the present on her hand.
Trus..tangganya jadi miring and Taylor still on it! Seperti yg udah bisa ditebak, she falls to the ground. Ryan tries to take her hand for helping, but unfortunately he also falls to the ground.
Sembari pingsan, mereka mimpi. Intinya, di mimpi itu mereka berdua ada di dunia paralel. No one knows them, not even the Cohens, Coopers, and all turn out to be freak. So they know they must fight, just two of them, and try to find out why they are there and how they could come back to their own world.
Ternyata mereka terlempar ke dunia paralel itu untuk ‘finish what they should finish’. Which are getting Cohens and Coopers back together again, Taylor to finish her issues with her mother, and Ryan must move on and forgives himself for what had happened to Marissa, to go back to the real world.
Lalu gue berpikir, seandainya -moga2 sih ngga kejadian, ngeri juga ngebayanginnya- gue mengalami hal yg sama, apa ya yang akan gue lakukan? Hopefully I’m not alone… Sinting juga kalo ga ada orang yang kenal gue. Then, what problem should I solve? How?
This can really be a good point. Maybe it means we should really appreciate what we have achieved. What we have. Our family, parents, siblings, anything... Ryan and Taylor didn’t even recognized by their own family!
Second, urusan apa yg harus gue selesaikan? Moga2 gue ga punya masalah dengan siapa pun tentang apa pun sih… But, is it about something I should do? Or related on something that I should say?
On me, I think it was more likely the last one… :)
When Ryan prepares the Chrismukkah eve, Taylor come by and give him a present. But Ryan rejects it… His mind occupied by an odd fact that he just receives a mail from his earlier gf Marissa, which happened to be died already.
Taylor insists him to open it; he climbs the ladder to the roof. Taylor follows him, also climbs with the present on her hand.
Trus..tangganya jadi miring and Taylor still on it! Seperti yg udah bisa ditebak, she falls to the ground. Ryan tries to take her hand for helping, but unfortunately he also falls to the ground.
Sembari pingsan, mereka mimpi. Intinya, di mimpi itu mereka berdua ada di dunia paralel. No one knows them, not even the Cohens, Coopers, and all turn out to be freak. So they know they must fight, just two of them, and try to find out why they are there and how they could come back to their own world.
Ternyata mereka terlempar ke dunia paralel itu untuk ‘finish what they should finish’. Which are getting Cohens and Coopers back together again, Taylor to finish her issues with her mother, and Ryan must move on and forgives himself for what had happened to Marissa, to go back to the real world.
Lalu gue berpikir, seandainya -moga2 sih ngga kejadian, ngeri juga ngebayanginnya- gue mengalami hal yg sama, apa ya yang akan gue lakukan? Hopefully I’m not alone… Sinting juga kalo ga ada orang yang kenal gue. Then, what problem should I solve? How?
This can really be a good point. Maybe it means we should really appreciate what we have achieved. What we have. Our family, parents, siblings, anything... Ryan and Taylor didn’t even recognized by their own family!
Second, urusan apa yg harus gue selesaikan? Moga2 gue ga punya masalah dengan siapa pun tentang apa pun sih… But, is it about something I should do? Or related on something that I should say?
On me, I think it was more likely the last one… :)
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