Being single is good. Really. For me.
So, I wonder why people always mind about "why are you still single?"
I feel disturbed. I'm happy being single. Does it bother you? No. This is my life. Gue ga suka cara mereka mengira bahwa itu adalah hal yang buruk, atau mengira bahwa I hate being single. What do they know about me?
Ini gara2 pagi2 gue udah terlibat dua pembicaraan tentang marriage, which the persons are at my age. The first was my cousin, who plans to get married on February 2008. By the time, he'll be 26 and a half. Kakak gue mempertanyakan kok cepet amat? Emang udah settled? Sayang banget ya..Kan masih muda..etc etc, which showed her disagreement. Jadi gue menyanggah. What's wrong about it? If they both already find each other, and they think it'll be the perfect moment, perfect timing, so I guess, go for it! Betul kan? Sepupu gue dan ceweknya udah dewasa, udah bisa berpikir for their own sake, so if they decide to get married, I'm sure they are ready to take the risks. I almost added, "not like you.." Tapi jahat banget ya gue :)
Sampe ke kantor, one of us started to talk about marriage. One of us are going to be married, soon. In the middle of the conversation I said, "long live the singles!" alias "hidup jomblo!"
Nah, mulai deh pembicaraannya jadi mulai bikin gerah. Mereka ngira gue benci jadi single, dan mereka beranggapan bahwa sendiri = kesepian. Jadi gue bilang aja beda! There's a difference between East and West.. Dan akan ada masanya dimana gue tidak akan single lagi. Right?? So, enjoy yourself now, while you can!
Buktinya? Being single for years doesn't bring me any problem. Men come and go, while I still searching and waiting. Doesn't also means I don't want to get involve. In fact, I really want it! But maybe later.. Ada masanya untuk segala sesuatu.
My emotional acts today was started when I broke my nail! Sebel!
being single or not is a choice, dan sedikit banyak campur tangan takdir. iya ngga?
tapi yang gw mau bilang gw juga pernah situasinya di lu, dimana ada orang salah nangkep maksud kita, tapi dipermasalahkan gitu. nyebelin ya jo...
apa kabarnya jo
Yup! Setujuhh! Sedelapann!
Hehehe,orangnya bukan gue kan Jen? :)
kabar gue baikk, rambut gue sekarang kayak dora d explorer..bob pendek gitu :)
apa kabar orang Jepang?
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