Last Friday we went to the movie Ciwalk XXI. There were me, Terry, Rini, Satriya, Sisca, Lambas,Feddy, and Hariyanto. We used Mandiri Debit Card as promoted that buy 1 get 1, yang mana satu kartu bisa dipake untuk 2 kali transaksi. So, with 2 cards we can get 8 tickets, @Rp12,500. Perfect.
I thought the movie is the kind of imaginary (yah emang iya juga sih) and frankly I wasn't really like on something robotic or imaginary science-fiction movie. Kayak model2 alien, atau laba2 yang tiba2 bisa jadi gede, or mutants.
So you know bahwa gue tadinya agak malas nonton Transformers, tapi toh ga ada ruginya nonton Rp12,500.
2 and a half hours from the time I entered the theater, I got out with a totally different thought. I have changed my mind. I must say that this movie is great. I really like this movie. Bahkan untuk ukuran gue yg sama sekali ga suka film2 fantasi - yg kadang2 suka kelewat berfantasi - gue suka banget film ini. Mungkin karena gue suka pesawat n futuristic cars. Can you imagine even a new Camaro and Pontiac can turn into an incredible robots?
I like when they transformed and the way they transformed.. So cool! Keren banget! Dari pontiac mewah abu2 jadi Kamerad Jazz, trailer merah-biru jadi Optimus Prime, camaro kuning jadi Bumblebee..
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