Hari ini, just like usual weekend in Jakarta, just a little bit ga semangat. Cuma satu hal, someone acts so different today. From her ordinary bad attitude -yeah, not bad, I mean a little annoying..no, actually so annoying- today she acts so fun. Why can't she be like that everyday?
Last night I came home late after attended a farewell party. Two of us resigned. An editor and an associate. It was good, the atmosphere was fun and friendly. Acaranya bagus, terbilang sukses, walaupun cuma diadain di halaman kantor. We had a barbecue night and the food was good either.
Two have gone. And soon, two more.
My friend, my cousin, the one who gave recommendation on me so I got this job, soon will be resigned. He got this new job in a bank, known as a credit card supplier, but not that big "C" one. Only one interview, and he accepted.
And my friend, an associate friend downstairs, who use to hang out with us, the analysts. He choose to resign, maybe because he didn't feel comfort in this work. Dia sih bilangnya, "Kasian M*******, buang2 uang dengan ngegaji gue."
We lost the best people. Good quality people. I lost friends. People who encourage me to go through this job.
Maybe I will follow them, I hope, soon enough..
dreams, hopes, faiths, happiness, excitements, sadness, fears, thoughts, inspirations, hates, likes, interests, passions, secrets.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Take postgraduate class?
Pingin keluarrrrrr!
The work is make me sick, the system make me sick! Situasi makin lama makin ga kondusif. Dan menyebalkan.
Baru nyadar? Ngga..Sama sekali ngga. Kalo mau nurutin kata hati, emosi, and as usual being impulsive, dari hari ketiga ngantor sebenernya udah pingin hengkang. But I tried to survive. Yah, as I said there is always blessing in disguise, bertahan di sini pun ngasi gue banyak pembelajaran. Banyak pengetahuan, yang paling jelas. Gue semakin tau what's up with this world through reading.
Recently I think about continue my study. I'm talking about postgraduate. Entah kenapa, maybe I should thank to my work also, which forced me to read and read anything, whether I like or not. Dari apa yang gue baca2 selama ini, somehow I become interested in taking postgrad class. I want to study business. Tiba2 gue jadi haus ilmu. Kedengeran klise ya? Ini baru kerasa setelah gue sering baca koran dan bacaan2 lainnya. Tiba2 gue ngerasa sebenernya gue harus banyak belajar, gue masih belum banyak tau tentang apa2. Secara dulu S1 gue ulur2 karena bosen :)
I have seriously thought about this since my first week working. Now I'm getting more seriously think about it. Apalagi in the next two months my contract will be over. Gue masih belum tau apakah gue akan memperpanjang kontrak atau ngga. Kalo perpanjang, berarti gue sembari kuliah. Busy? I hope not..I'll get the executive class, of course :) Which only require me twice a week to go to school. But then the executive class require at least 3 years experience. Apa yg bisa gue jual dengan kerja 6 bulan? Now I'm bragging..I'm already six months work.. :)
Sementara kalo regular class, it requires me everyday to go to school. Trus kerjaan gue gimana ya?
Or should I wait for a year or two?
Pingin keluarrrrrr!
The work is make me sick, the system make me sick! Situasi makin lama makin ga kondusif. Dan menyebalkan.
Baru nyadar? Ngga..Sama sekali ngga. Kalo mau nurutin kata hati, emosi, and as usual being impulsive, dari hari ketiga ngantor sebenernya udah pingin hengkang. But I tried to survive. Yah, as I said there is always blessing in disguise, bertahan di sini pun ngasi gue banyak pembelajaran. Banyak pengetahuan, yang paling jelas. Gue semakin tau what's up with this world through reading.
Recently I think about continue my study. I'm talking about postgraduate. Entah kenapa, maybe I should thank to my work also, which forced me to read and read anything, whether I like or not. Dari apa yang gue baca2 selama ini, somehow I become interested in taking postgrad class. I want to study business. Tiba2 gue jadi haus ilmu. Kedengeran klise ya? Ini baru kerasa setelah gue sering baca koran dan bacaan2 lainnya. Tiba2 gue ngerasa sebenernya gue harus banyak belajar, gue masih belum banyak tau tentang apa2. Secara dulu S1 gue ulur2 karena bosen :)
I have seriously thought about this since my first week working. Now I'm getting more seriously think about it. Apalagi in the next two months my contract will be over. Gue masih belum tau apakah gue akan memperpanjang kontrak atau ngga. Kalo perpanjang, berarti gue sembari kuliah. Busy? I hope not..I'll get the executive class, of course :) Which only require me twice a week to go to school. But then the executive class require at least 3 years experience. Apa yg bisa gue jual dengan kerja 6 bulan? Now I'm bragging..I'm already six months work.. :)
Sementara kalo regular class, it requires me everyday to go to school. Trus kerjaan gue gimana ya?
Or should I wait for a year or two?
Monday, May 21, 2007
Feeling's economic view

Maybe it's about time to decide what to do.
Waktunya makin dekat. Have to prepare myself.
I've been waiting too long.
Hope it wouldn't destroy anything. Because the main reason why I was waiting for so long is that I don't want to take the risk. Which bring me to enter another risk. Put me in other difficult situations.
Hope it wouldn't destroy myself also..
In economic point of view, maybe this is a condition where benefit=cost. Both options have the same benefit cost ratio. If I do (a), the benefit would be equal as the cost. And the same thing would also happen if I do (b).
It's not about choosing (a) or (b). This is about things that might appear if I do (a) and/or (b). Where it would lead my life to. A better off, or a worse off condition.
This is related to my opportunity cost.
But I can't determined or even forecast what kind of result it will create, and how the net present value is.
Just a thought.
What a thought.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Bleeding consultation.. Curhat berdarah..
Kemaren gue baru curhat berdarah sama temen lama gue. Lama juga, via YM, dari jam 2 sampe jam 6 kurang. Itu pun udahannya karena tinggal gue yang tersisa di kantor, n serem sendirian gelap2 di atas :)
Talking about relationships..
Belajar sabar, belajar makin kenal diri sendiri dan orang lain..
Membicarakan isi hati yang paling dalam, dari lubuk hati yang paliiiiinggggg dalam..
Luka2, bunga2, segalanya. My complicated relationship, her complicated relationship, ketidakjelasan gue, kebingungan gue, pertanyaan2 yang ga pernah terungkap dan ga pernah terjawab.. :)
Belajar lebih banyak tentang tipe orang. Belajar lebih banyak tentang sifat dan karakteristik orang. Belajar tentang diri sendiri, sampe sejauh mana batas kesabaran kita, how far we know ourselves..
I felt so much relieved after the 'bleeding consultation'.
Curhat berdarah maksudnya :)
Talking about relationships..
Belajar sabar, belajar makin kenal diri sendiri dan orang lain..
Membicarakan isi hati yang paling dalam, dari lubuk hati yang paliiiiinggggg dalam..
Luka2, bunga2, segalanya. My complicated relationship, her complicated relationship, ketidakjelasan gue, kebingungan gue, pertanyaan2 yang ga pernah terungkap dan ga pernah terjawab.. :)
Belajar lebih banyak tentang tipe orang. Belajar lebih banyak tentang sifat dan karakteristik orang. Belajar tentang diri sendiri, sampe sejauh mana batas kesabaran kita, how far we know ourselves..
I felt so much relieved after the 'bleeding consultation'.
Curhat berdarah maksudnya :)
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Not a good weekend

Kenapa sih kalo peristiwa2 yang nyebelin ga pernah datang satu2? Selalu aja datang pada waktu yang bersamaan! One after another, and continuing, sampe2 mood bener2 ilang, dari yg tadinya bagus sampe samasekali jelek.
Kalo lagi enak, semuanya enak (yah, baguslah), tapi kenapa sih giliran ada yg kaya gini2 ini selalu muncul bersamaan dan bertubi2.
Bikin sebel aja.
Mulai dari cuti batal, karyawan yang nyebelin n budek, hari yang jelek, tempat parkir sialan, ga bisa ikut liburan ke Pangandaran, batal belanja, batal nyalon (emang sih akhirnya gue yg batalin, udah keburu males), seseorang yang buat gue bener2 ngeselin (kalo emang udah punya rencana duluan bilang dong. Jadi bisa diatur lebih bagus. Dasar cowok!), apalagi udah dibelain ngantor pagi2 supaya siangnya bisa cepet cabut, bahkan resiko nyasar pun hampir gue jabanin, harus masuk Sabtu-Minggu, ...
And it mounted today, on the weekend, day that I thought would be nice.
What could be more perfect?
Ya udah..Mau gimana lagi?
I'm only human.. Not the important one, jadi ga perlu dpt cuti, diperas tenaganya untuk masuk kantor pas weekend, harus meng-cut acara, ...
Better go home and sleep all day long. Gue ga mau ada lagi kekesalan baru hari ini.
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