Maybe it's about time to decide what to do.
Waktunya makin dekat. Have to prepare myself.
I've been waiting too long.
Hope it wouldn't destroy anything. Because the main reason why I was waiting for so long is that I don't want to take the risk. Which bring me to enter another risk. Put me in other difficult situations.
Hope it wouldn't destroy myself also..
In economic point of view, maybe this is a condition where benefit=cost. Both options have the same benefit cost ratio. If I do (a), the benefit would be equal as the cost. And the same thing would also happen if I do (b).
It's not about choosing (a) or (b). This is about things that might appear if I do (a) and/or (b). Where it would lead my life to. A better off, or a worse off condition.
This is related to my opportunity cost.
But I can't determined or even forecast what kind of result it will create, and how the net present value is.
Just a thought.
What a thought.
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