Finally, after two months that felt centuries for me, for the first time I can feel the morning sunshine falls on me, my hair, my skin, and I thank God I still have this lovely chance. Gimana nggak? Daily, I work from 6 to 6 again, and never had time to enjoy the day, no time to feel the sunshine, no time to really realize, this is a new day. Not just the work, but also the bosses as well, they're sick. And I getting sick of it.
Jadi gue bertekad persegi, sesegi-seginya, today gotta be lovely. Harus. Gue tidak mau apa pun merusak hari ini. Udah terlalu lama gue ga ngerasain indahnya suatu hari, semua seolah2 lewat begitu aja. Gue udah di dalam kantor pada saat matahari muncul, dan pada saat gue pulang, mataharinya malah udah pulang duluan. How sad..
I don't know whether it is just me, or the office is sooooo sucks. I know it's not good, but I start to looking for the mistakes. Gue tau itu bisa jadi bumerang krn akan muncul sugesti, but I can't stand it. Cape. Kantor ini mengesalkan.
This is sucks. Even I don't want to feel this way.
I soon must get out of here.
Itu bunga mataharinya di kantor lu atau di rumah lu di jakarta? indah sekali...andai stlah banjir jakarta dipenuhi bunga matahari(himawari) dimana2 ya? hahahahaha...
Mulai boring jo? ikut gw ajah. Buka nasi padang. hahahahaha
Ayo jo, tetep semangat ya!!! I know u can!!!
wah, jo... gw jg kebetulan ada rencana mo resign tu jo dr kantor gw...malah kmrn rabu gw bolos dgn alasan sakit bt ikut interview di hotel grand serela riau...
bosen & uda ga sreg ma kerjaan skrg..
mari kita beramai-ramai cari kerja!
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