Monday, May 26, 2008

to change..or not to change?

Fiona: You know, you are acting like a... a...
Shrek: Go on, say it.
Fiona: Like an ogre!
Shrek: Well, whether your parents like it or not, I am an ogre! And guess what, princess? That's not about to change.
Fiona: I've made changes for you, Shrek. Think about that.

bandingkan dengan:

Sebuah commercial suatu produk kecantikan di televisi dimana ceritanya ada reuni sekolah, dan si perempuan khawatir apakah si laki-laki masih inget sama dia. Ternyata si laki-laki ga lupa, dan si perempuan bilang, "For you, I never change."



Pojok Hablay said...

ya aloh, gue baru ngeh lagi sama blog elu :)

JR said...

hehehe.. kok bisa nemu gue? :p

Sisca L. Andriries said...

that depends on the situation...^^
tp klo g lebih memilih "not to change", toh buat apa qta berubah ke sesuatu yg jelas bukan qta banget, ya ga sih??
I'm so proud TO BE MYSELF... termasuk ke-NARSIS-an g sendiri...
hohoho... ^0^v

JR said...

tapi seperti kata wimam, people do change. gue ga keberatan kalo itu ke arah yg lebih baik. tapi kalo kudu jadi ijo juga gue ga mau sis. hahahaha...