Master Ooguay says, "You just need to believe."
I like this movie. I've watched it twice, and still couldn't resist Po's charms :) A kind of movie I will never get bored to watch again and again. It is funny I cannot stop laughing, but also full of inspirational and wise quotes.
"you just need to believe"....
aah joyce, thanks for reminding me this again ! to keep on believing to our dear God....
satu hal yang bisa membuat kita bertahan menghadapi berbagai2 macam hal adalah kepercayaan..
especially in our beloved God..
ud nntn penelope blm? moral ceritanya hampir sama deh.. membangun percaya diri!
halo smoothies.. salam kenal :)
aku belum nonton tuh penelope. bagus juga ya? thanks untuk rekomendasinya ya..
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