Wednesday, May 14, 2008


"At one point, I even thought.....soulmates."

This is how Harry Sanborn - a role played by Jack Nicholson in 'Something's Gotta Give' - describes his deep feeling to Erica Barry - played by Diane Keaton.

This 'soulmate' thing popped up in my mind when recently he brought this up. Which then makes me think, what is soulmate, actually? What is the definition? Who can be someone's soulmate? How can it happen? Where can someone finds his/her? When is it?

On Wikipedia, I find few definitions about soulmate, taken from many sources:

  • Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary: a person temperamentally suited to another
  • Encarta® World English Dictionary: somebody close to somebody else, or somebody with whom somebody else naturally shares deep feelings and attitudes
  • Infoplease Dictionary: a person with whom one has a strong affinity

I also find that soulmate is highly related to 'kontak batin' (I cannot find the suitable English for that term), where if someone is in sadness, angry, or happiness, the other half can feel it too, although they're far from each other.

Finding soulmate cannot be measured from 'outside' appearance, especially when it comes to physical measurement. It cannot be measured by social status, financial status, and/or many more status. Sometimes you just know it when you know it. Sometimes it comes when all of sudden you realize that you already found it.

Menurut gue, yang paling mengena bahwa soulmate adalah seseorang yang dengannya seseorang lain bisa menjadi dirinya sendiri; seseorang yang bisa membuat nyaman seorang lainnya; seseorang yang bisa mengerti seorang lainnya, walaupun dia sedang dalam mood yang tidak baik, misalnya. Seseorang yang bisa menerima seorang yang lain sebagaimana adanya, kelebihan dan kekurangannya; seseorang yang mengesampingkan ego demi seorang lainnya; seseorang yang memberikan kasih sayang tanpa syarat kepada seorang lainnya.


Have you find your soulmate? :)


wiemz said...

congratulation jo! finally u find ur mr.right!

JR said...

do I? :)