Friday, July 18, 2008


Few days ago during dinner with friends, we talked and discussed so many things about deadline, what to do about it, how we can manage it, how to reach it, all stuffs related to deadline.

What is a deadline anyway?
Wikipedia says deadline is time limit: general depicts a narrow field of time that some sort of objective or task must be accomplished by. In project management, deadlines are most often associated with milestone goals.

There are many goals we (I) should accomplish within certain period, called deadline. Although sometime it seems too difficult for me to create my own deadline(s) - too many things to be considered and counted as the limit - the deadline still should be made and created, and of course to be obeyed and achieved perfectly.


Anonymous said...

you crossed the line, you dead

JR said...

gambaran yang mengerikan, rom..

Sisca L. Andriries said...

Deadline... klo ga ada deadline, gw bisa makin males...
Spt waktu pas ngerjain skripsi, klo gw ga ngasi deadline buat diri gw sendiri, bisa jadi sampe skrg gw ga lulus2... hehehe...
Menurut gw dgn adanya deadline, justru menguntungkan, krn ada faktor yg mendorong qta untuk ngerjain sesuatu...
Dealine is good... but not for tight deadline... It can make you stressful... ^^'

JR said...

actually i like the feel of tight deadlines.. secara 9 bulan gue kerja in a super-tight-deadline everyday :D

those kind of deadlines, i can deal with them. but there is different kind of deadline that i have to face in walking my life..